Why Make?

the PODCAST asking makers... what inspires them? and why they make?

Why Make? Episode 19: Adrien Segal

“Sculpture is an aesthetic language I use to bridge the gap between reason and emotion” -Adrien Segal

Artist and “data” sculptor Adrien Segal creates evocative work, in her Oakland, Ca studio, based on both the natural and human driven changes in our world. Whether she is graphing the tidal changes of the historic Sutro Baths in San Francisco to create the table-like Tidal Dadum series or reinterpreting fire progression chart data to elegantly display the fearsome power of forest fires in southern California, Adrien uses the aesthetic power of sculpture to inform. We nerd out on Episode 19 of Why Make? about some of the technology Adrien uses to make her work, including lidar and photogrammetry, and talk about how Adrien’s background as a furniture maker has helped to strengthen her progression into making sculpture.

Find out more about Adrien and her work at www.adriensegal.com