Why Make?

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Why Make? Episode 3 : Melissa Engler & Graeme Priddle

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Why Make? Episode 3 : Melissa Engler & Graeme Priddle Erik Wolken and Robb Helmkamp

Melissa Engler talks about growing up in the Canadian Rockies and moving to western North Carolina as a teenager and not discovering art until her mid 20’s. Graeme Priddle grew up in New Zealand and again discovered art later in life. Together they talk about partnering as teachers and collaborators in art and their involvement in the Emma Lake International art collaboration and CollaboratioNZ.

A few notes about this episode… if you were wondering? here are links and attempts at explaining some of the things that you hear about in the podcast.

And if you heard something in the podcast you still can’t, for the life of you, figure out, please contact Erik or Robb through the Contact page and we will make up some kind of story to placate you.